Orijin Gin 75 CL
Orijin Gin 75 CL
Orijin Gin is a premium gin that combines the finest botanicals with the unique flavors of African herbs and fruits. It has a complex yet balanced taste profile, with notes of citrus, juniper, coriander, and a subtle hint of spicy warmth. The use of local ingredients such as cassava, mango, and tangerine gives Orijin Gin its distinct character and makes it a true taste of Africa.
Crafted by skilled artisans, Orijin Gin is perfect for those who appreciate quality and flavor. It can be enjoyed neat, on the rocks, or mixed into a variety of cocktails. Whether you're sipping it at home or impressing guests at a party, Orijin Gin is sure to delight.
Order your bottle of Orijin Gin today from My Mini Bar and experience the best of African spirits. With fast delivery to Lagos, Nigeria, you can enjoy this premium gin in no time.
Delivery & Return
Delivery & Return
Standard Delivery – Same day
Standard deliveries will be made within same day of an order being placed & are charged at a standard rate from ₦2,000 depending on the location in Lagos State & FREE when you spend ₦100,000 or more or a coupon code for free standard delivery is used.
Lagos Mainland Delivery Standard Delivery will be charged from ₦3,000
Ajah, Sangotedo upwards Standard Delivery will be charged at from ₦2500
Next Day Delivery (after 7:45 pm)
Next day deliveries if placed after 7:45 pm. Orders will be processed the same day & arrive the next (working day), any orders placed after 6pm from Lagos mainland will be processed the same day & arrive the next working day after.
Next day delivery is never free unless a coupon code for free next day delivery is used.
Sadly we are unable to deliver to the outskirts of Lagos State the same day and delivery start from ₦3,500. Due to shipping provider constraints unfortunately Packages to some western part of Nigeria will now take 3 working days on our next day / expedited service.